11 August 2014

Negative Pregnancy Test No Period: How Should I React?

Have you ever experienced a condition where your period has been late for quite a while and you suspect that you are pregnant? However, after you apply pregnancy test, the result is negative. And not only once, you might have done the pregnancy test several times. Such “negative pregnancy test no period” like that is more than enough to make you worried. If a woman skips the menstrual period, there are basically two possible reasons. First, the woman is pregnant. Second, if the woman is not pregnant, there might be some problem happening in the body.

Negative Pregnancy Test No Period

Well, of course, it’s better to have your condition checked by the doctor to figure out what might happen to you but there is no need to panic. Negative pregnancy test no period like this can be caused by various reasons and most of them are related to the things that you should not worry.

There are basically two things which can be categorized as the primary possible causing factors. The first comes from the pregnancy test itself and the second comes from the condition of your body. Let’s talk about the first thing. Well, we all know that pregnancy test including the test pack has been made in sensitive quality. It can ALMOST always tell you whether you are pregnant or not. But, still, remember that the test pack is not free from mistake.

I have ever been told by one of my friends who had similar situation like what has been written before. She had done three pregnancy tests using the test pack and all of those three tests said that she was not pregnant. However, she was still curious and she did the fourth test by using the same test pack and the result changed. Eventually, she got pregnant. Well, you can just simply say that my friend was not really lucky. Perhaps, the first three test packs that she used were not good enough.

Then, related to the condition of your own body, well, let’s focus on your late period. Tons of things can make you suffer from late period and those things might cover the fact that you are stressed, you are too tired, and you have some hormonal problem. That’s why you better check your condition immediately and make sure you are healthy enough when you are dealing with the pregnancy test. Also be careful that negative pregnancy test no period might also become the indication that there’s something wrong with your uterus. Let’s hope that it’s not the cause.

05 August 2014

Faint Line on Pregnancy Test: I'm Pregnant or Not?

Due to the ease and simplicity, most people rely on the test pack to figure out whether they are pregnant or not. If you are not really that familiar with the test pack, you can imagine about a tool similar like a pen. This tool has the function to tell you whether you are pregnant (2 lines are shown) or are not (1 line is shown). And how to use this tool is really simple since you only need to practically urinate on it. To be honest, it can be said as the simplest and easiest test to figure out the pregnancy. However, many people are quite confused since they have faint line on pregnancy test by using the test pack. So, does it mean those people are pregnant or not?

Faint Line on Pregnancy Test

How the Lines Work
Let me tell you. The test pack is able to detect your pregnancy hormone even the slightest amount. That is why if you have got two lines on your test pack, the chance for you to be pregnant is really likely. It means that your faint line on pregnancy test can be used to indicate that you are pregnant no matter how faint the line gets. Yippie! You should be grateful and you should get rid of your confusion because of your pregnancy. The faint line on pregnancy test should not become the part of your worry anymore.

Why the Line Faints?
If you are wondering about why the line on pregnancy test is faint, well, to be honest, there are so many possible causing factors which can lead to such condition. Let me tell some of the most common causing factors. First, your pregnancy is still early. This situation will (although it's not always) make the line become not obvious enough. Second, it is based on your own condition. If you are not really that fit during the pregnancy test, you might find that the line is fainted.

Is It Possible for You to Have Two Lines but You Are Not Pregnant?
Well, this is a totally good question. Like what I have said to you earlier, test pack can detect your pregnancy hormone even at its slightest. That is why the chance for you not to be pregnant even though you have faint line on pregnancy test is quite low. BUT, it is possible for you to experience it. It means that you have two lines on your pregnancy test but you are not pregnant. How can it be so? Perhaps, you might take HcG injection which will surely “trick” the pregnancy test. It is highly recommended for you to get the further check if you want to make sure of everything.

04 August 2014

Pregnancy Photo Ideas: How to Capture Your Pregnancy Moments Dramatically

Pregnancy is a very precious moment for both mother and father to be. In order to get the best captures of pregnancy moments, you may need to refer to some pregnancy photo ideas I will share here.

Choosing Pregnancy Photo Ideas
I have some tips for you who are looking for the best photo ideas to capture the best and precious moments of your pregnancy. Firstly, I suggest you to find the best moment during your pregnancy in which you really want to capture. Most women like to take their pregnancy photos when their pregnancy reaches 5 months or more. It is because they can get the perfect pregnant body silhouette. Secondly, I suggest you to pick the proper theme. Similar with the other photo ideas, pregnancy photo ideas also involve such themes. There are many themes offered for pregnancy photography, such as natural photography, modern photography, classic photography, and even futuristic pregnancy photography. Thirdly, I suggest you to choose the best photographer. Based on my own experience, photographer takes most 80% of the pregnancy photos including the ideas. Therefore, it is necessary to hire the best photographer which can provides most preparation and facilities of the pregnancy photo session you are going to work with.

pregnancy photo ideas

The Best Pregnancy Photo Ideas

Considering those important factors of taking the best pregnancy photography, I have some best ideas you may use as references. The first idea is naked pregnancy photography. Why I suggest you to take naked pregnancy photography is because naked photography is much more artistic and natural for pregnant women to capture her best moment with her precious pregnancy. You may choose either fully naked exposure or silhouette exposure. I myself prefer choosing fully naked photography because I feel more intense connection with my baby and the human nature. The next idea is couple photography. Having some pregnancy photo session with your beloved husband is more than enough. It will show other people who see your pregnancy photo later on about your love and intense relation especially between you, your husband, and your baby. Another idea you can choose among other pregnancy photo ideas is surreal photography. I get so much attracted with this kind of photography idea. Surreal will make your pregnancy moment much more impressive. Not to mention, I also has one unique photography idea to capture your pregnancy moment which is so much adorable. It is selfie pregnancy photo. Taking your own pregnancy photo by your own self is a very brilliant idea. You will get more intense moment and feeling by doing so.