03 August 2014

Faint Positive Pregnancy Test and How You Should React

Alright, you've realized that your period has been late for a few weeks. As a married woman, there's only one conclusion (although it's not certain): you are pregnant! Yay! Don't you think it is so exciting. Then, what you do next is to go to the drug store to get the test pack and you use it immediately. However, the result shows faint positive pregnancy test. In other words, your test pack shows two lines but one of them is too vague. Some people might even fail to see the other line unless they try so hard. This condition will surely make you start doubting about your pregnancy or at least your expectation. Are you really pregnant?

Faint Positive Pregnancy Test

You need to know that the test pack is made as sensitive as possible. It will detect the HcG inside your urine. No matter how slight the level of the HcG, the test pack will still be able to detect it. That is why the faint positive line occurs. But, you can actually still be able to let your expectation go high because it is very likely that you are pregnant. However, before that, you should make sure that you did not take any medication or even injection which will affect the condition of your HcG. Such medication or injection can really affect the test result. It is better for you to be patient for a while and make sure that your body is free from any possible substance before you deal with the pregnancy test by using the test pack.

What if you are still hesitant about your own pregnancy although you have found the faint positive pregnancy test and you have also read the explanation above? If you face such condition, you can do the pregnancy test again in the next day or the day after. You'll see the difference for sure. It is also possible for the faint result to happen because your pregnancy is still too early. That's why you can simply do it again after a couple days. Or if you are still not sure about your own pregnancy, go visit the doctor and get further pregnancy test. Remember that the pregnancy test using test pack, especially the one resulted in faint positive pregnancy test, is not the only way for you to figure out whether you are pregnant or not. Don't worry. Don't ever think that there's something wrong with your pregnancy. Faint pregnancy test result is quite common.

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