27 July 2014

Can Precum Cause Pregnancy? Figure out the Answer Here!

Someone asked me a little while ago, “Can precum cause pregnancy?” If you also have something like that in mind and you want to know the answer, well, you’ll find it here. However, before we talk about the answer and the things related to it, I strongly forbid you to do free sex or pre-marriage sex. I know that sexual matters are the basic needs of human beings. And similar to the need to eat, we need to fulfill it. But, there is time to do it. The safest time is after you have married officially. Unless you are ready to face the responsibilities later on, it’s better for you to deal with sex properly.

So, can precum cause pregnancy? YES, IT CAN!!! Do you know why? Even though many people believe that the precum or what is usually called as pre-ejaculation fluid is the lubricant which plays role to smoothen sex intercourse, but the fluid also has already had semen in it. Thus, you make mistake if you think that the fluid is just the same with the lubricant which comes out of women’s vagina. Such vaginal fluid surely only has function to lubricate the walls of vagina so the penis can penetrate easily. Precum actually has such role but it’s quite different from the vaginal fluid. Although the amount is still low enough but such fluid has semen too. Once again, it’s already had semen! And you must also know that semen is the one which can lead to pregnancy!

Stressed Man, Can Precum Cause Pregnancy

Perhaps, some of you might have ever heard about certain contraception method without using any tool. It is done by taking out the penis from the vagina before ejaculation happens. That way the people can still get their sexual pleasure because they can still have ejaculation even though it happens outside of the vagina. And these people might believe that such method will not lead to pregnancy. However, such contraception method is just a myth. I have a friend who sadly has done such contraception method because he didn’t want to have another child in the family. And even though he has done the penis-taking-out-before-ejaculation method, he still got a child and now the child is 7 years old. It is the concrete proof that the so-called contraception is not working! During that method, it is certain that my friend let his precum out during the penetration without any of his consideration. Now that you have known the answer for: can precum cause pregnancy, it is better for you to forget about the “contraception” method as stated before.

Is Smoking Weed While Pregnant Safe?

As a woman and a mother want to be, I always curious about the fact of smoking weed while pregnant is safe or not. Even I actually do not smoke marijuana, but many women outside there do. And this is important information to those women who love to smoke weed but also having pregnant or want to get pregnancy soon. One thing for sure is that marijuana is different from other drugs like cocaine, heroin and so on. Many studies show that the effect of smoking marijuana is not as risky as if you smoke other type of drugs, however it does not mean that smoking this weed is free from risk right? Moreover toward a pregnant woman, it probably can affect the health not only for her but also for the baby. Therefore, I will post this information to enlarge your knowledge about this issue.

Smoking Weed While Pregnant

Melanie Draher’s study

When talking about smoking weed while pregnant, then I will remember to take a look to Melanie Draher’s study. She is a researcher that held a study about smoking marijuana during pregnancy in Jamaica. Most women in Jamaica are smoking weed to release stress and depression during the beginning of the pregnancy, and Dreher is interested to make a research. Maybe all of you have been thinking that it will be dangerous to smoke such weed during pregnancy, it probably can affect to the baby’s health, growth, brain and so on. But, the research finds that there is no harm effect of smoking weed during pregnancy to the newborn baby. Of course it is so surprising, since it also affect the donation of her research to stop giving their support to her. They maybe cannot accept that positive result since they expect to get a negative effect, so Dreher only gets her research up to 5 years old children and cannot continue to the adolescent stage and even adulthood live.

Other risky effects

Like I have said before that even smoking weed while pregnant does not harm the baby, but it is still not risk free. Some other studies find that the continuation of smoking marijuana to the last trimester of pregnancy and also to the delivery time, can affect to the baby’s weight. The research said that it can effect to the lower birth weight to the newborn baby if the mother continues to smoke weed. Therefore, whether it is right or not, if you are love to smoke weed and then you are now pregnant, you better visit your doctor to get the more explanation and information about this issue.

26 July 2014

Positive Pregnancy Test, Now What? Learn What You Should Do

For a married woman, realizing that the period has come late and the fact that the pregnancy test pack shows two lines seems like a sudden fortune. Yes, it is very likely that the woman is pregnant and it is something that needs to be grateful of. Being pregnant is totally a blessing. Thus, it’s so normal for you to be happy, yes, really happy! However, remember, you got positive pregnancy test now what? The positive result is just the beginning. If you take the school time as the analogy, positive pregnancy test is just the front gate. You will still need to get inside the school, deal with the study, and eventually, you can get home with much knowledge in your mind. Well, pathetically, not all women know what to do after the test. I recommend you to carry on reading so you can really learn what to be done.

Positive Pregnancy Test Now What

Alright, what to do? You've got positive pregnancy test now what? Calm yourself first. I know that it is so joyful to learn about such news. But, you will not be hopping around because of your happiness all the time, right? Once you have calmed down, the next thing to do is to inform your husband. Yes, he also has the right to know about such great news! And yet, together, you can determine what should be done next. Notice that two brains are better than one. I believe, almost 100% your husband will tell you to go to the doctor and have further pregnancy test. That’s exactly what you’re going to do.

Just simply go to the gynecologist and tell everything related to what happened to you as brief as possible. It will make the doctor learn about your condition more easily and thus, the doctor can also determine the diagnosis related to your positive pregnancy test more accurately too. Please be concerned about what will be said by the doctor. Sometimes, positive pregnancy test by using test pack is not really that accurate. It results in different test done by the gynecologist. Which one to believe? Of course it’s the gynecologist because the test is more thorough. If you really face such condition, don’t be sad. It means that you have not been ready to become a mom. Don’t give up in trying. Eventually, you’ll be a mom. However, if the doctor really says that you are pregnant, it means that you need to start taking care of your life and health more properly. Follow the instructions of the gynecologist thoroughly and obediently. Remember that you are not living alone now. There’s a baby growing inside your tummy and its growth is based on how you behave. Well, congratulations! You’re going to be a mom!

Creative Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

To know that you are pregnant (based on positive pregnancy test) is totally more than just joyful if you are a mom and coincidentally you have desired to have a baby. This kind of great news needs to be spread to your beloved people and your friends. However, don’t you think it will be quite wasteful just to say like this, “Hey, I’m pregnant! Isn't it nice?” Well, even though you can really do that but it’s not special. Don’t you want to have better pregnancy announcement ideas especially to your close people? But, what to do? Ah, I have some ideas for you. Perhaps, you might be inspired to do the same things or you can make some innovations from the ideas.

Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

Send Some Gifts

Alright, I know that to get some cards and use them as your pregnancy announcement ideas will be there in your mind. Sending the cards are nice especially for the people located quite far away from you. But, it’s not really that special. Once again, since we are talking about magical and exciting news, you should also make the announcement magical. Don’t be afraid to do your craziest idea ever! One of my friends has ever sent some gifts to her close people. Inside the gifts, she attached the ultrasound picture of the baby. The people who got the gifts will surely be asking why you give them the gifts. And when they find what’s inside, they will be so surprised and they will surely give you a call saying their congratulations. Some of them might even directly come to your address to “celebrate” the pregnancy. This idea is so great too if you want to share your joy by giving nice things to your close people.

Make a Website!

Another idea is to make a website containing the information about your pregnancy. It’s totally a creative idea because you can do anything you like with the website like how you write an article or your own story about how find your pregnancy. You can also upload some pictures of your tummy or ultrasound picture of the baby. The question is how to let the other people know that you are actually having pregnancy announcement ideas? Well, you can use the help from the social media. Give some links on your social media account and tag the people whom you want to know about your pregnancy. You can make this quite vaguely and state that you found a great website which is really inspiring. Tell those people about it and recommend them to visit the website when they have the time. When they have given the website a visit, they will be so surprised that the website belongs to you and all of your efforts to make the announcement will make them so happy too.